Friday 24 February 2017

Thursday 23 February 2017

Swim Sport

Today's Team 3's swim sport was a huge success. All children competed in 3 different races, all up there were 12 different events.





Sunday 19 February 2017

Wednesday 15 February 2017

Swim Safety

Leane from Swimming New Zealand explained to the children how to keep safe in the water.

 The children had fun huddling together. Now we have to practice it in the pool.

Monday 13 February 2017

Monday 6 February 2017


We have started the year with looking at Measurement - last week we draw around a buddy then measured their height with a metre ruler.  Lots of language around different types of measurements and where they can be used.

Team Building Activties

Wow, what a first week!  Here are a few photos of our team building activities - make a vehicle using lego, can you walk with a balloon as a group.  We also stacked cups together using a rubber band and a piece of string.  A great way to talk about the need for communication and collaboration when working on tasks together.

Friday 3 February 2017

First Syndicate 2 Assembly

Every second Friday Syndicate 2 will have their own low key assembly. Next week will be the school's first full assembly.

Team 3 and Team 4 make up Syndicate 2 and easily fit into the hall. 

 Six pupils from Team 4 received a certificate from Mr Thomson.

Six pupils from Team 3 also received certificates.