Friday 25 August 2017

Assembly Super Stars

Persuasive Writing

We have had a quick look at persuasive writing this.  The poster below shows some of the language we have been talking about.  A great way to start dinnertime discussions.

More 3D shapes

If you have liked talking about 3D shapes this week - check out this clip.

What shapes are new to you?

Ask me about what I've done this week

  • Persuasive writing
  • Clueless art drawing
  • 3 way conference
  • Fire drill
  • Science
  • 2D and 3D shapes
  • Robot friends
  • Production
  • Assembly

Friday 18 August 2017

Weekly Wrap-up!!!

Things we have been doing this week!

See if you can ask me about...

- Big bad wolf pictures
- Full school Assembly
- Science
- Alliteration
- Learnt numbers up to 1 million
- Silly sentences
- Digi awards
- long e sound
- Blends
- Three way conference practice
- Badges
- Personification
- Emotions
- Fairy tales
- Production practice
- Similes
- DT/Uspace
- Kapa Haka
- Rakau sticks
- Cognitive functions
- Hamburger plans

Heroes Certificates

These three Team 3 Heroes received certificates at today's full school assembly.

Thursday 17 August 2017

Paper Towel Investigation

Question: Which brand of paper towel is the most absorbent?

The students investigated the following brands:

The young scientists investigating:

The the most absorbent paper towel is..........(ask the scientist in your family😇)

Tuesday 15 August 2017

Cultural Festival 2017

Our Kapa Haka team made us very proud with their performance at the Cultural Festival 2017.

Friday 11 August 2017

Team 3's Hard Workers!

Fantastic Kapa Haka Performance

Today in Syndicate 1 and 2 assembly we were so lucky to our Kapa Haka group perform one last time as a practice.  What amazing young people we have, so focused and rehearsed.  Well done!

Tuesday 8 August 2017

Emotional Intelligence

We are learning about what makes a good friend. Here are some artworks we are creating which show what a good friend looks like and the qualities they possess. 

What's the big idea!

Syndicate 2 were lucky enough to have an awesome show put on for us this morning. We were learning about the big ideas in stories. Here's a sneak peek into what we got to experience.

Reading Retell

Today in reading we read the story Baa! We were working on our retell. Here's an explain everything we made showing what we could remember from the story.

Monday 7 August 2017

Production Preparations

Here's a sneak peek into what you can expect from our production

Creating costumes :)

Friday 4 August 2017

The NED Show

What a fantastic performance we saw today - showing us loads of ways to be the best we can be!

N - Never Give Up
E - Encourage Others
D - Do Your Best

Wednesday 2 August 2017

Tuesday 1 August 2017


Emotions are very hard to understand.  Today we drew our on emoji faces to describe some of the emotions that we feel or have seen.

FIE activities

We are looking at different activities and how we still use our cognitive functions when we do every day things.

Today we had to describe a drawing to some one else without them seeing - being very accurate and precise with our words and using relevant details.  There were some very accurate attempts, well done!