Friday 29 September 2017

Weekly Wrap-up

- Enrichment Assembly
- Super hero reward
- Kowhai house reward
- Goal reflections
- Goal setting
- Reports went home (to some people)
- Haiku
- Acrostic poems
- Class photos
- Secret word
- Word of the day
- Term 4 Enrichment

Enrichment Assembly

The choir entertained us with their beautiful singing.

This is the ukulele band.

Mr B played the drum with half of his drumming club.

Emily, Emily and Ana from Team 3 presented a movie trailer.

Term 4 Preparations

We had a fantastic Term 3 in our new learning space. It is time for a holiday. Here are some suggestions to help you make a positive start to an amazing Term 4.

As part of our Term 4 inquiry topic "Globalisation" we are asking all students to bring an item to school on the first Tuesday back. Students will need to be able to tell us:

   # Where is it from?

One of our Term 4 writing topics is "Journal Writing". Students can keep a holiday journal if they want.

Here are some possible formats:

Remind and encourage your child to work on their pet day activity.

Tuesday 26 September 2017

Kowhai Reward

Well done to Kowhai, our winning house for Term 3.

A notice should come home with everyone in Kowhai today about the shared lunch on Friday and the fun activities we have planned.

Friday 22 September 2017

Band Assembly

This morning we had our term 3 band assembly! They sounded great :)

Weekly Wrap-up

Our exciting week :)
- Band assembly
- Kids for Kids concert
- Pets day art
- Poetry
- DT: Ipads
- Multiplication and division
- Chapter book summaries

Word chain

How many different words can you use instead of big? E.g. huge

Leave one in each comment. 

Let's see how long we can make our chain :)

Tuesday 19 September 2017


Today was Kiwi's turn to go to science. We were testing how far different rubber bands stretched when we placed varying masses on them. Here's us experimenting!

Monday 18 September 2017

It's Challenge Time

Can you discover the popular saying?

What am I?

Take the first part of your answer and think about what it's called when it's in a bundle...

Needle, Sewing, Pointed, Spiky, Metal, Clothing
What am I?

Combine your answers to discover the saying...

Leave your thoughts in the comments :)

Nau mai, Haere mai ERO

Today we welcomed ERO to our school for the week. 

Friday 15 September 2017

What have we been up to?

  • PRODUCTION performances!!!
  • Kapa Haka
  • secret word
  • DT / FIE
  • Pets Day Art
  • Maori games for PE
  • Fractions
  • Poems - haiku, limericks, acrostic
  • Dental nurse
  • Science

Thursday 14 September 2017

The World Beneath the Trees

What an amazing job our students have done, well done team!!

Friday 8 September 2017

Weekly Wrap up

Production, Production and more Production
John Parsons
Mufti Day
Pet Art
Secret words
A little bit of free time

Tuesday 5 September 2017

DigiAwards 2017

Lincoln Primary School did not just win a number of placings at the DigiAwards but was also responsible for the pre-show entertainment.

Team 3 came first in the documentary category in their age group. Liam from Team 3 went up to receive the prizes.

Enjoy "Everyday Heroes" by Team 3.

Production Part 2

Monday 4 September 2017

Production 2017

The costumes for our production are well on their way. Just a few more sleeps to go.

Friday 1 September 2017

Week 6 Wrap Up!

  • Pastel Art
  • Production practice/costumes
  • Reading chapter books
  • Badges
  • Fire drill
  • Wolf art
  • Classroom change
  • Fractions
  • Changed groups
  • Math buddies
  • Science
  • Bob
  • Simon the cat
  • Tiger said hi
  • FIE
  • DT (book creator)
  • Maori

We work together!

We work together in team 3 to create ideas and expand on others ideas :)

Enjoying the sun!

With all the lovely weather we thought why not eat our kai outside :)