Wednesday 25 October 2017

Who spotted the error?

Were you clever enough to find a mistake on the Jump Jam order form??
Comment below for extra house points.

Friday 20 October 2017

Weekly Wrap Up

Term 4, Week 1 Activities

  • Buddy classes
  • Jump Jam performances
  • Pet Day art
  • First week back at school
  • New Enrichment
  • Vipers reading
  • Math buddies
  • New Groups
  • Inquiry - Globalisation
  • Class switch up

Jump Jam Assembly

The three Jump Jam teams going to Auckland next week performed to a packed hall today. Their performances were absolutely amazing.

The Great Migration

As part of our Enrichment programme on Fridays we get to spend time with our buddy class - Year 7 - to talk about the first people to Aotearoa.  
We will end up making a piece of artwork to describe this journey.
This is a clip we watched today.

Thursday 19 October 2017

Pet Day Optional Choices

Pet Day is on Friday 3. November 2017

The optional item will need to be completed by your child at home prior to Pets Day. Children are only allowed to do one choice from the list.

Optional Choices – children to choose one only.

  1. Arrangement in a novelty container – flowers are arranged in an unusual container, like an old boot etc. Dimensions: container to be no higher than 40cm and no wider than 30cm.
  2. Construction model (Lego, K-Nex etc.) Original design – an original design created from one type only of construction blocks e.g. Lego, K-Nex. Dimensions: base to be no bigger than 30cm X 30cm. This must fit in a shoebox.
  3. Photography – photo needs to be of a plant, landscape or animal that must be taken by the student. Dimensions: photo 15cm X 10cm mounted on A5 piece of card with label.
  4. Homemade scarecrow – let your imagination run wild! Dimensions: height no taller than 50cm, base no larger than 20cm X 20cm.
  5. Decorated cupcake – 1 or 2 cupcakes. Let your imagination run wild and show us your decorating skills. Cupcakes can be homemade or store bought but must be decorated by the student.

Made in Vietnam

Hung brought this item which was made in Vietnam to class and explained how it works.
Write in the comments box what the item is.
Students in Team 3 should know the answer.

Wednesday 18 October 2017

Made in China

Students in Matai made a graph showing where the items they brought to school were made. Most items were made in China.

Monday 16 October 2017


Sunhats are compulsory at Lincoln Primary School during Term 4.