Friday 31 March 2017

Concert Bands x2

Today we had a special concert assembly. The bands entertained us with their magical tunes.

Friday 24 March 2017

Friday Art Fun!!!
We had our name written on a folded piece and then cut it out. We then turned our names into monsters. Our imaginations ran wild!


This weeks certificate recipients
Tapatapahi ana!

Wednesday 22 March 2017

Sports Spectacular

Thanks to the parents returning notices for the Sports Spectacular.  The times for this on Monday 3rd April, are 12.40 -3.00pm.  The sports will run from 1 - 2.30pm.  The sports are rugby, football, basketball and netball.

Friday 17 March 2017

Trade Fair

Students attended the Trade Fair today. All received an order booklet illustrating all the amazing things we saw today and can order for Gala day on Friday of Week 10. Orders have to be in by Friday 24. March.

Syndicate 2 Assembly

These students received a certificate at today's assembly.

Friday 10 March 2017

Paper Craft

Our students had fun creating paper animals during Art time.



Tuesday 7 March 2017

Maths Challenge

We tried this maths problem today and had some great thinking but we haven't solved it - do you think you could do it (with your child)??

Sunday 5 March 2017

Week 6

Thanks again for the fantastic turn out at the 3 way conferences.  It was great to meet you and share the goals students have set for this term.  We look forward to helping and watching students achieve these.

Reminders for the week:
Jump Jam Sausage Sizzle fundraiser forms to be in by Friday, for the following Friday, 17th March.
Swimming togs are still needed everyday.

Friday afternoon art

On Friday we had fun exploring with paper and trying to connect things without glue or tape.  It was quite tricky but most students managed at least one technique in their creation.  Wait till next week...

Thursday 2 March 2017

Power is Out

This afternoon we had empty classrooms. All students went home after a power cut affected our water supply.