Tuesday 30 May 2017

Giving Directions

Write down simple directions using left, right, in front of and behind to find a spot.

First answer the question and then write your own directions for the next person to follow.

Start by the tree in front of the police station. Go to the right for a few steps and turn left. Go to the next street and turn right. Stop at the entrance of the building. Where are you?


  1. The School. Keep going past the school. At the tree turn left. Go to the next street and turn left and than stop. Who's house are you in front of?

  2. Kim's House. Now go straight to the end of Andrew's Street and turn left onto Orange Avenue. Then turn left into McBean Street and head to the red building at the end. Which building are you at? (From Maddox)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. The supermarket. With Maple Park behind you, walk straight and stop at the house on the left. Who's house are you at? (From Emily)

  5. Harriet's House. Turn around and go back the way you came, then left and left again. Go straight past Sugar Ave and stop. Where are you? (from Xander)

  6. At Larry's house. Go past Larry's house than turn left. Turn into the next street on the right. Where are you?
